• Witterings

    A Flat World

    Have you ever wondered how we would cope if the world was flat? I mean really flat rather than the Earth being a globe. I've given this idea some thought here.

  • Witterings


    A very strange whodunit story that took a strange turn after a simple mistake in the writing. Our story starts in the sitting room. Dinner is over and all the guests are gathered for after dinner mints.

  • Witterings

    Dropped Stitches

    Dropped stitches is a common problem amongst fumbling knitters. Have you ever wondered where those dropped stitches go?

  • Witterings

    Forgetting Gravity

    Forgetting about gravity is a very easy thing to do. Not a very sensible or healthy idea though. Stepping off the top of a building just because you forgot gravity was there will not stop you from falling. But if…

  • Witterings

    The Speed of Darkness

    It has been known for a long time how fast light travels. But what about the speed of darkness? Darkness moves in a different way to light, thus travels at a different speed. But is it faster or slower than…

  • Witterings

    Do Cabbages Exist?

    Aggie and Bettie are two old friends that have some odd converstaions. Out for a walk they start talking about cabbages and if they are really here. And if not, what they will have for lunch.

  • Witterings

    Cough Mixture

    Aggie and Bettie are two old friends that have some rather odd conversations. This one regarding Bettie's home made cough mixture and some of the effects.

  • Witterings

    Little Injuns

    There are a lot of american indians on the reservation. This skit is a conversation between two cowboys about the different types.

  • Witterings

    A Forest Walk

    Aggie and Bettie are two old friends that have some less than usual conversations. This one was while they were walking in a forest passed a fallen tree.

  • Witterings

    Time Travel

    Time travel is an easy and natural process. It is something we do every moment of our lives and for the remaining of our existence afterwards too. Time moves constantly forwards and we move along with it. To time we…